(Herunterladen) Graffiti Throw Ups

Another form of graffiti is the throw up or throwie.
Graffiti throw ups. Throw ups are a quick and nice way to put your name on the wall as a graffiti writer. It s pretty much an elaborate version of a tag. Colored wall with mayze. Tagging throwing up piecing i. A throw up or colloquially known as a throwie is made up of easy to paint bubble style letters and occasionally with one layered paint to fill the letters. In this video chuck is showing 7 different forms of graffiti throw ups. Graffiti s most basic output is the tag.
Graffiti tags and throw ups. Throw up throw up or throwie is a widely referenced graffiti term most commonly used to describe tag like drawings of bubble letters designed for quick execution we all know why of graffiti words and usually consisting of artist s name and only two colors. Here you will find pictures videos and articles classified by artists and updated daily. Occasionally graffiti artists incorporate faces into throw up fonts. While the term tagging can refer to any act of graffiti the. Throw ups by nite owl ham one san jose ca throw ups by smooth mantes la jolie france. The throw up on the right incorporates a face into the e.