Graffiti 2pac Mural
Donaldduck donaldduckgraffiti graffiti street art streetart mural donaldduckmural streetgraffiti dailyurbanculture.
Graffiti 2pac mural. The mural is located at the house of ink on 725 n. T wenty years ago today tupac shakur was murdered after attending a boxing match in las vegas. 2pac toujours dans les memoir pas mal. 2pac is probably the greatest artist to ever walk the face of the planet. The urban barbers in east belfast commissioned me to paint them a mural which would stand out amongst all the other murals on their street and express their passion for hip hop. The 25 year old hip hop star s tragic death was mourned by his legions of fans and would be for decades to come. Jun 29 2019 2pac in graffiti street art murals.
See more ideas about graffiti street art graffiti images. Today you can find tribute murals and graffiti honoring the ascendant rapper in nearly every major city on earth. Muralist omar super huerta painted a mural that includes both hussle and 90s icon tupac shakur on wall that s nearly 10 feet tall.